Workout Hack: Are You Working Out Too Much?

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Workout hack for women: YOU MIGHT BE WORKING OUT TOO MUCH!

Last year, I was working out harder than ever, but instead of feeling stronger and having more energy, I started looking puffy, feeling tired, losing muscle mass and gaining extra weight (not the good kind). I just assumed that I must not be trying hard enough, so I pushed harder, skipping rest days, doing two a days, dieting, etc...

In October 2019, as a result of working with my amazing coach Anya Grace, I stopped everything, and began practicing intuitive eating, giving my body a chance to start healing. Around this same time I picked up Alisa Vitti’s book “In the flo” and forever changed my ideology around working out.

According to Alisa Vitti “most exercise studies are performed on men and post menopausal women. Consequently, most of the expert advice we get on exercise- how often to do it, how much to push yourself, which types are best -is geared toward optimizing male fitness. This advice is just not applicable to female biochemistry, which is why you don’t get the results you expect. Fitness trends and training regimens simply don’t take the female hormonal cycle into consideration”

What I’ve learned from Alisa Vitti is that the first half of your cycle (right after your period ends) is a great time for HIIT and cardio workouts, it’s okay to do longer and harder workouts during this time, but during the second half of your cycle (about a week before and during your period), your body naturally produces more cortisol, intense exercise adds to this cortisol production. Excess cortisol causes all kinds of problems including weight gain. muscle loss, a puffy face, mood swings, anxiety, acne, hormonal imbalances, fatigue, and gut problems (basically it’s no fun at all). During the second half of your cycle it’s better to lift weights, practice yoga, take rest days if you feel tired, and limit workouts to no more than 30 minutes.

Implementing this strategy after taking a few months off, along with working with my acupuncturist to heal my liver + gut health + hormone imbalances, and practicing intuitive eating has been a serious game changer for my overall health. I went from working out 7 days a week doing Orangetheory (lots of HIIT and cardio), to working out for 20 to 30 minutes at home, and taking long, slow walks with Lola. I usually take 1 to 2 days off a week and I always take a rest day when I feel like I need it. I’m experiencing massive improvements in my strength and energy levels, and I just feel so much better. My focus has changed from working for a certain fitness aesthetic, to slowing down and healing on a deep level.

I definitely recommend “In The Flo” if you’re curious about this topic. It’s full of lifestyle hacks, nutrition info, and teaches you how to optimize your life by working with your cycle instead of against it. She even touches on feminine energy which is my favorite conversation ever. I love it so much I bought the audio book and the hard cover. You can also follow her on Instagram @floliving and @alisa.vitta

Has anyone else ever experienced something similar? I’d love to hear your thoughts