The feminine energy approach to health and fitness

Dear friend,

Have You Tried Everything?

You’ve done vegan, keto, paleo, gluten free, dairy free, soy free, controlled your portions and meal prepped every Sunday and you work out like your life depends on it

You have a library full of self help books and you are constantly working to become “a better version of yourself”

You feel that once you’ve hit six figures, and have a six pack, your real life can finally begin

You’re no stranger to 80 -hour work weeks, taking on two to three jobs or major projects at a time, and burning the candle at both ends. Actually, if you’re honest, stress and overwhelm are a rush for you

You feel like if you just lost some weight you’d finally be worthy of the relationship you really want

You would feel more beautiful if you could just tone up

You find yourself overeating and then over exercise to make up for it

You compare your body to the bodies of strangers on social media and feel like even at your very best, you’re never quite good enough

You always come up short of what you really want: To be seen, honored and loved for the authentic, vulnerable, beautiful, feminine-energy woman that you are at your core

This was me for so many years. Feeling that I would never be good enough until I reached perfection sabotaged every area of my life. (You can read more about my story in my latest blog post at

It wasn’t until I replaced these negative beliefs with the truth that my worth had literally nothing to do with my appearance and accomplishments, that my life and my body began to heal.

My mentor Anya Grace is offering another round of Whole Body Beauty (this is one of the courses I took from her in addition to working with her one on one, that really jump started my growth and healing in this area) starting July 13th, and I’m going to be working alongside her as an assistant coach!

If you’d like to learn more click this link 👇🏻

Let me know if you have any questions.

Sending all of my love,


Sara Whipp